In 2005, the town had an estimated population of 307.107 people and five million tourists annually. Together with the municipality of Bahia de Banderas Nayarit state, forming the Metropolitan Area of Puerto Vallarta making it the second most populous in the two states. Also the town is one of the highest population growth recorded in the state, even greater than the central municipalities.
It is the second largest in the state of Jalisco economic zone and the third most important port in Mexico. Currently, it is one of the most visited places in the country. The name of this beautiful harbor is embodied in several popular songs.

Tourism is one of the main factors for the economic development of the municipality. Puerto Vallarta offers its residents and visitors a number of beaches that are visited daily. Here you can admire many natural beauties, historic monuments and works of art, which attracts many domestic and foreign tourists. Tourism is widely promoted in Puerto Vallarta, as the municipality also has areas for nudists beaches and green mountains with beautiful scenery, which makes it widely attractive to this economic activity.
Also, historical and widely significant buildings, art, customs, traditions and very own Puerto Vallarta legends, without ignoring national and international events are held here, account for residents and tourists a focus of very interesting attraction.
Given its geographical location, at the bottom of the Bay of Banderas, Puerto Vallarta is almost never directly hit by hurricanes. However, on Friday, October 25, 2002 Hurricane Kenna, the third most powerful in the recent history of Mexico, 3 after changing direction abruptly landfall a short distance north of Puerto Vallarta, with winds up to 260 kilometers per hour and waves up to eight meters high, seriously affecting the port.

Although no deaths were reported by the hurricane in the city if they were presented by the tsunami is estimated that more than 40 people were injured (source: Carlos Garcia, commander of Area 41 in Puerto Vallarta, Reuters) and damage materials amounted to 10 million dólares.4 essential tourist center, commercial and recreational activity, the Paseo Diaz Ordaz (commonly known as the Malecon) was the most affected.
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