Drive from Palenque to Frontera Corozal
I made the journey from Mexico to Guatemala, specifically from Palenque to Flores. It took me about a day but I left Palenque afternoon and spent the night at the border which is probably the most crappy place I've ever slept. Posada was called Pancala. Curiously the border is bounded by a river and a boat crosses

I remember that I found it difficult Palenque find out where my ride came to Frontera Corozal. It was from the bus station but from a clearing near a roundabout at the entrance to the city. There I took a van as they say Mexicans. The cheapest transportation in Central America are the Nissan Vanette vans style in which sometimes go up to 20 people.
Time wore pissed because I looked so güero that deduced that it was not Mexican and I charged more on all transports. Here I discovered the best way to get the same price. Ask someone to go to take the shuttle or wait and pay the same pay. Although in 2010 I was not going through his head ever having a travel blog retain some data written in a diary so I can speak quite accurately on prices.
I was told that the way I wanted to do cost 80 pesos but the driver wanted to charge me 120 and did not get off the bike. What did I do? First I went. Then I waited a few meters from the van to another person came and approached half crouch. You had to see the driver's face when he told the Mexican 80 pesos and I left behind the same money already in hand. He took laughing and gave haggling terminated.

I go play with him for nearly four hours away because the van was already full and we were talking about many topics. Where had he lived in Barcelona because he had discovered that gave rise to talk football for a while and thus initiate conversations ... In Central Spanish league is followed with the same enthusiasm as in Spain. I remember the driver even stopped for a moment that it might be a picture of a Zapatista poster.
I arrived at night to Frontera Corozal. There were no asphalt streets and no hostels. Asking got to sleep in a barn-like room, conditioning and catering. At 5:30 in the morning as the sun rose in the stable next door hens and rooster crowing their morning were I had no choice but to get up and head for the border.

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